



recently, a Reddit user “TheMiracle” urged Naughty Dog to release Uncharted 5 for the PS5, sparking a heated discussion among gamers. He exclaimed, “This generation of gamers desperately needs their own Uncharted series. I know Naughty Dog has already declared the series complete, but we really need Uncharted 5 for the PS5. There aren’t any games like that anymore.”



The Uncharted series has captivated countless gamers with its lighthearted and thrilling adventure style, as well as its compact storytelling. Gamers not only miss the intense combat and puzzle-solving but also the sense of lightheartedness and adventure spirit.



One gamer commented, “I completely agree! The Last of Us is great, but it’s too depressing. Uncharted is full of lighthearted adventure, and sometimes you just need that feeling, especially with the PS5’s graphics.” Another gamer pointed out the simplicity and unique charm of Uncharted: “It doesn’t have complicated crafting systems, skill unlocks, or collecting a ton of stuff, and no side quests or experience points to worry about. Almost every action-adventure game nowadays is filled with so much content, just like MMORPGs.”

游戏市场的 CURRENT 形态

Many gamers expressed that the current gaming market is flooded with complex upgrade systems and deep exploration mechanics, making games like Uncharted that focus solely on adventure a rare breed. A gamer bluntly stated, “We really need a game that’s full of intense action and adventure for this generation of gamers. I completely agree with this point.”

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