



《黑神话:悟空》是一款无法选择难度的游戏,但这并不意味着所有BOSS都容易击败。有些BOSS需要玩家花几个小时研究战斗技巧,寻找机会,才能够取得胜利。外媒 recently evaluated the game’s BOSSes and ranked them according to their difficulty.




1. 杨戬 - the Unstoppable Force

图片 杨戬 became the number one most difficult BOSS in the game, and it’s not hard to see why. His incredible strength and speed make him a formidable opponent.

2. 大圣残驱 - the Power of Destruction

图片 大圣残驱 comes in second on the list, and his ability to destroy everything in his path makes him a force to be reckoned with.

3. 毒敌大王 - the Toxic Terror

毒敌大王 takes third place, and his toxic attacks make him a nightmare to fight.

4. 小黄龙 - the Little Dragon with a Big Bite

小黄龙 may be small, but his powerful bites and agile movements make him a challenging opponent.

5. 百眼真人 - the All-Seeing Eye

百眼真人 takes fifth place, and his ability to see everything makes him a difficult target to hit.

6. 黄风大圣 - the Swift and Deadly

黄风大圣 comes in sixth, and his swift movements and deadly attacks make him a formidable opponent.

7. 寅虎 - the Fierce Tiger

寅虎 takes seventh place, and his fierce attacks and powerful roar make him a force to be reckoned with.

8. 虎先锋 - the Tiger Vanguard

虎先锋 comes in eighth, and his powerful claws and agility make him a challenging opponent.

9. 白衣秀士 - the Elegant but Deadly

白衣秀士 takes ninth place, and his elegant movements and deadly attacks make him a difficult opponent.

10.幽魂 - the Ghostly Apparition

幽魂 rounds out the top 10, and his ghostly abilities and unpredictable movements make him a challenging opponent.

Are you up for the challenge of defeating these difficult BOSSes?

by 热心网友1df276 展示