《宇宙机器人》爆红!PS独占两席 Metacritic前三高分
recentEvaluation results of 《宇宙机器人》 have been released, and the game’s performance has received widespread acclaim. It is now considered one of the strongest contenders for the best game of 2024.
PS独占两席 Metacritic前三高分
With the release of 《宇宙机器人》, two of the top three games on Metacritic are now PS exclusive titles. The top three games on Metacritic are currently 《最终幻想7:重生》, 《艾尔登法环:黄金树幽影》 DLC, and 《宇宙机器人》. Industry insiders had predicted that 《宇宙机器人》 could become Sony’s “dark horse” of the year.
Currently, PS5 is the only platform where all top three games on Metacritic can be played. Although 《艾尔登法环:黄金树幽影》 can be played on Xbox, it is only a DLC and not a full new game.
Index of games on different platforms
Here is a summary of the games and their platforms:
- 《宇宙机器人》: PS exclusive
- 《最终幻想7:重生》: PS5 (highly unlikely to be released on other platforms in the short term)
- 《艾尔登法环:黄金树幽影》: PS5, Xbox (as a DLC)
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